Marcel Paret (2015) Failed Redistribution or Failed Administration? Official Union Narratives of Community Protest in South Africa, Politikon: South African Journal of
Political Studies 42(3): 345-366.
This blog lists new articles by members of the Research Committee 44 on Labour Movements.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Marcel Paret and Guadalupe Aguilera on Migrant Protests in California in 1990-2010
Marcel Paret and Guadalupe Aguilera (2016) Golden State Uprising: Migrant Protest in California, 1990-2010, Citizenship Studies 20(3-4): 359-378.
Marcel Paret and Shannon Gleeson on Precarity, Agency and Migration
Marcel Paret and Shannon
Gleeson (2016) Precarity and Agency through a Migration Lens, Citizenship
Studies 20(3-4): 277-294.
Marcel Paret on Precarious Class Formation in the the USA and South Africa
Marcel Paret (2016) Precarious Class Formations in the United States and SouthAfrica, International Labor and Working Class History 89(Spring):
Marcel Paret on the Politics of Solidarity and Agency in an Age of Precarity
Marcel Paret (2016) Politics of Solidarity and Agency in an Age of Precarity. Global Labor Journal 7(2): 174-188.
Marcel Paret on a Precarity Agenda
Marcel Paret (2016) Towards a Precarity Agenda, Global Labor Journal 7(2): 111-122.
Peter Waterman on Dutch Trade Union Solidarity
Peter Waterman (2016) ‘A Coffee-Table Book on Dutch ‘Trade Union Solidarity’, Working Paper, No 46 (forthcoming). Amsterdam: International Institute for Research and Education.
Justyna Kajta and Adam Mrozowicki on Trade Union Strategies in the FCA Poland plant
Kajta, Justyna, Mrozowicki, Adam (2016) Trade Union Strategies in a Time of Economic Crisis: the Case of a Car Assembly Plant in Poland, CPS Working Paper Series 2016/4, CEU Centre for Policy Studies, Budapest.
Friday, 2 December 2016
Marcel Paret on Contested ANC Hegemony in the Urban Townships
Marcel Paret (2016) Contested ANC Hegemony in the Urban Townships: Evidence from the2014 South African Election, African Affairs 115(460): 419-442.
Marcel Paret on the post-2009 South African Protest Wave
Marcel Paret and Carin Runciman (2016) The 2009+ South African Protest Wave, WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society 19(3): 301-319.
Facing the Anthropocene: Book Review by Kim Scipes
Kim Scipes (2016) Book Review: Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System by Ian Angus, Green Social Thought.
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Andreas Bieler on the struggle for public water in Italy
Bieler, Andreas (2015) 'Sic Vos Non Vobis' (For You, But Not Yours): The struggle for public water in Italy, Monthly Review, Vol.67/5: 35-50.
Andreas Bieler and Chun-Yi Lee on the forms of resistance in the electronics and IT sectors in China
Bieler, Andreas and Chun-Yi Lee (2016) Exploitation and Resistance: A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese Cheap Labour Electronics and High-Value Added IT Sectors, Globalizations (available online first)
A.Mrozowicki and M.Maciejewska on union strategies and labour market segmentation in Poland
Mrozowicki, Adam, Maciejewska, Małgorzata (2016) Segmentacja rynku pracy, prekaryjne zatrudnienie a strategie związków zawodowych na poziomie branżowym: przypadek Polski [Segmented labour market, precarious employment and trade unions’ strategies at the sectoral level: the case of Poland], Prakseologia 158 (1): 361-391.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Mark Selden and Jenny Chan on China's new labour politics
Mark Selden and Jenny Chan (2016) China's new labour politics, China Policy Institute: Analysis.
Jane Pillinger, Verena Schmidt and Nora Wintour on collective bargaining and gender equality
Jane Pillinger, Verena Schmidt and Nora Wintour (2016) Negotiating for Gender Equality. ILO (Geneva).
Marek Čaněk on the role of migrants in trade union renewal in the Czech Republic.
Marek Čaněk (2016) Migrant Workers Can Boost Czech Trade Unions, Social Europe 17 October 2016.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Rolle Alho and Mika Helande on foreign seasonal farm workers' strategies in Finnland
Rolle Alho and Mika Helande (2016) Foreign seasonal farm workers' strategies at the margins of the Finnish welfare state: informal networks and weak ties, Nordic Journal of Migration Research 6(3)
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Kim Scipes' review of Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class by Immanuel Ness
Kim Scipes (2016) Review of Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class by Immanuel Ness, Global Labour Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, May: 214-216.
Kim Scipes on the Labor Movement and Global Solidarity
Kim Scipes (2016) For Those Who Know Little or Nothing about the Labor Movement: Building Global Labor Solidarity Today, Green Social Thought, Wednesday, 07/06/2016.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Sarah Waters and Jenny Chan on work and suicide in a globalised economy
Sarah Waters and Jenny Chan (2016) How work can lead to suicide in a globalised economy?, The Conversation, August 17, 2016.
Adam Mrozowicki, Mateusz Karolak and Agata Krasowska on trade unions and young precarious workers in Poland
Adam Mrozowicki, Mateusz Karolak and Agata Krasowska (2016) Between commitment and indifference. Trade unions, young workers and the expansion of precarious employment in Poland, [in:] Violaine Delteil, Vassil Kirov (eds.) Labour and Social Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe: Europeanization and Beyond, Routledge, pp. 228-246.
Monday, 11 July 2016
Lucien van der Walt on Global Anarchism and Syndicalism
Lucien van der Walt (2016) Global Anarchism and Syndicalism: Theory, History, Resistance, Anarchist Studies, vol. 24(1): 85-106.
Lucien van der Walt on (Black) Working Class Self-Emancipation in Postapartheid South Africa
Lucien van der Walt (2016) Commentary: Alternatives From The Ground Up: Globalization School Input on Anarchism/Syndicalism and (Black) Working Class Self-Emancipation in Postapartheid South Africa, WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, vol. 19 (2): 251-268.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Iain Campbell and Robin Price on the conceptualisation of precarious work
Iain Campbell and Robin Price (2016) Precarious work and precarious workers: Towards an improved conceptualisation, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Epub ahead of print 8 June 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1035304616652074.
Saturday, 25 June 2016
New article by Ngai Pun, Yuan Shen, Yuhua Guo, Huilin Lu, Jenny Chan, Mark Selden on Chinese workers’ struggles from a global labor perspective
Ngai Pun, Yuan Shen, Yuhua Guo, Huilin Lu, Jenny Chan, Mark Selden (2016) Apple, Foxconn, and Chinese workers’ struggles from a global labor perspective, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 17(2): 166-185.
Friday, 24 June 2016
Barry Eidlin on the Lack of Labor Party in the United States
Barry Eidlin (2016) Why Is There No Labor Party in the United States? Political Articulation and the Canadian Comparison, 1932 to 1948, American Sociological Review 81(3):488–516.
Jenny Chan and Olga Martin-Ortega response to Apple's 10th supplier responsibility progress report
Jenny Chan, Olga Martin-Ortega (2016) The Apple way to make products: a response to Apple’s 10th ‘supplier responsibility progress report', openDemocracy. 6 June.
Jenny Chan, Ngai Pun, Mark Selden on China's New Working Class
Jenny Chan, Ngai Pun, Mark Selden (2016) Apple, Foxconn, and China’s New Working Class, in: R. Appelbaum, N. Lichtenstein (eds.) Achieving Workers' Rights in the Global Economy, Cornell University Press.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
P. Stewart, A. Mrozowicki, A. Danford and K. Murphy on Lean as Ideology and Practice
Paul Stewart, Adam Mrozowicki, Andy Danford, Ken Murphy (2016) Lean as ideology and practice: A comparative study of the impact of lean production on working life in automotive manufacturing in the United Kingdom and Poland, Competition and Change, published online before print 31 March 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1024529416636192.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Akira Suzuki on Japanese Labour Unions and Nuclear Energy
Akira Suzuki (2016) Japanese Labour Unions and Nuclear Energy: A Historical Analysis of Their Ideologies and Worldviews, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Published online on 3 May 2016.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Peter Waterman: "Eric Lee: The Online Labour Solidarity Whiz who’s ‘Proud to be a Zionist’"
Peter Waterman (2016) Eric Lee: The Online Labour Solidarity Whiz who’s ‘Proud to be a Zionist’, Labor for Palestine (online, April 16, 2016).
Peter Waterman's Review of "Collega’s Wereldwijd: 1975-2015: Veertig Jaar International Vakbondssolidariteit." (by Roeland Muskens)
Peter Waterman (2016), A Coffee-Table Book on Dutch "Trade Union Solidarity", International Institute for Research and Education Working Papers, No. 43.
Hae Yeon Choo on the Filipina Migrant Hostesses and US GIs in a Shifting Global Order
Hae Yeon Choo (2016) Selling Fantasies of Rescue: Intimate
Labor, Filipina Migrant Hostesses, and US GIs in a Shifting Global
Order, Positions: Asia Critique 24(1): 179-203.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Maurizio Atzeni on Precarious Work
Maurizio Atzeni (2016) Precarious Work, The ISA Blog "The Futures We Want".
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden on the Lives of Chinese Workers
Jenny Chan, Ngai Pun, and Mark Selden (2016) Dying for an iPhone: the Lives of Chinese Workers, Chinadialogue, 15 April 2016.
Huw Beynon and Terry Austrin on Sam Watson and Power Relations in the British Labour Movement in the Forties and Fifties
Huw Beynon and Terry Austrin (2015) The Performance of Power: Sam Watson and Miners ‘ Leader on Many Stages (with Terry Austrin) Journal of Historical Sociology, Vol. 28 Issue 4, pp. 458-490.
Huw Beynon's Response to the Reviewers of Working for Ford
Huw Beynon (2016) Book Review Symposium on Working for Ford – “a Response”, Work Employment and Society, Vol 30 (1) pp. 181-191.
Beyond Fordism: Huw Beynon's Entry in the Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment
Huw Beynon (2016) Beyond Fordism, in S. Edgell, H. Gottfried and E. Granter (eds.) The Sage Handbook of the Sociology and Work and Employment, Sage, pp. 306-328.
Huw Beynon on Striking on the British Coalfields 1984-85
Huw Beynon (2015) When all Hell Breaks Loose: Striking on the British Coalfields 1984-85, in M. Dawson, B. Fowler, D. Miller and A. Smith (eds.) Stretching the Sociological Imagination: Essays in Honour of John Eldridge, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 65-82.
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden on labour protests and trade union reforms in China
Jenny Chan, Ngai Pun and Mark Selden (2016) Labour protests and trade union reforms in China, in: Jan Drahokoupil, Rutivca Andrijasevic, Devi Sacchetto (eds.) Flexible workforces and low profit margins: electronics assembly between Europe and China, ETUI: Brussels.
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Anastasiya Ryabchuk on Class Analysis in Ukraine
Anastasiya Ryabchuk (2015) 'Handicapped Class Analysis in Post-Soviet Ukraine, and a Push for Revision', East European Politics & Societies 29, pp. 685-697.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Richard Hyman on the Democracy at Work
Richard Hyman (2016) "The Very Idea of Democracy at Work", Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 22, no. 1,pp. 11-24.
Monday, 8 February 2016
Mateusz Karolak on the Social Remittances and Return Migration to Poland
Mateusz Karolak (2016) From Potential to Actual Social Remittances? Exploring How Polish Return Migrants Cope with Difficult Employment Conditions, "Central and Eastern European Migration Review", online first.
A.Mrozowicki, P. Stewart and V.Zentai on Critical Labour Studies in Western and Eastern Europe
Mrozowicki, Adam, Stewart, Paul, Zentai, Violetta (2015) "Critical Labour Studies in Hungary, Poland and the UK: Between crisis and revitalisation", Forum Socjologiczne, Special Issue (Number One): Social boundaries and meanings of work in the 21st century capitalism, ed. by Mrozowicki, Adam, Kolasińska, Elżbieta, Róg-Ilnicka, Joanna, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, pp. 19-34.
Carl-Ulrik Schierup on Migration, Precarity and People Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Carl-Ulrik Schierup (2016) "Under the Rainbow: Migration, Precarity and People Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa", Critical Sociology, published online before print January 21, 2016.
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Kim Scipes on Labour Imperialism
Kim Scipes (2015) "Labour Imperialism", in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism edited by Immanuel Ness, Zak Cope. Palgrave.
Rina Agarwala and Chris Tilly on Organizing Informal Workers
Rina Agarwala, Chris Tilly (2015) Marx, Polanyi, and… Informal Workers? Toward a New Social Contract for Workers. The ISA Blog "The Futures We Want".
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