Saturday, 5 November 2016

Andreas Bieler on the struggle for public water in Italy

Bieler, Andreas (2015) 'Sic Vos Non Vobis' (For You, But Not Yours): The struggle for public water in Italy, Monthly Review, Vol.67/5: 35-50.

Andreas Bieler and Chun-Yi Lee on the forms of resistance in the electronics and IT sectors in China

Bieler, Andreas and Chun-Yi Lee (2016) Exploitation and Resistance: A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese Cheap Labour Electronics and High-Value Added IT Sectors, Globalizations (available online first)

A.Mrozowicki and M.Maciejewska on union strategies and labour market segmentation in Poland

Mrozowicki, Adam, Maciejewska, Małgorzata (2016) Segmentacja rynku pracy, prekaryjne zatrudnienie a strategie związków zawodowych na poziomie branżowym: przypadek Polski [Segmented labour market, precarious employment and trade unions’ strategies at the sectoral level: the case of Poland]Prakseologia 158 (1): 361-391.