Friday, 21 April 2017

Anders Kjellberg and Christian Lyhne Ibsen on Attacks on Union Organising in Sweden and Denmark

Anders Kjellberg and Christian Lyhne Ibsen (2016) Attacks on Union Organizing: Reversible and Irreversible Changes to the Ghent-systems in Sweden and Denmark, in: Trine Pernille Larsen and Anna Ilsøe (eds.) Den danske model set udefra - komparative perspektiver på dansk arbejdsmarkedsregulering (The Danish Model Inside Out - Comparative Perspectives on Danish Labour Market Regulation ), København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, pp. 279-302.

Anders Kjellberg on Self-regulation and State Regulation in Swedish Industrial Relations

Anders Kjellberg (2017) Self-regulation versus State Regulation in Swedish Industrial Relations, in: Mia Rönnmar and Jenny Julén Votinius (eds.) Festskrift till Ann Numhauser-Henning, Juristförlaget i Lund 2017, pp. 357-383.  

Friday, 7 April 2017

Kim Scipes on the Programme Addressing Climate Change

Kim Scipes (2017) Addressing Seriously the Environmental Crisis: A Bold, “Outside of the Box” Suggestion for Addressing Climate Change and other Forms of Environmental Destruction, Class, Race and Corporate Power 5(1).

Peter Waterman on unions, workers and social movements

Peter Waterman (2017) "Afterword: 'Bringing Manifestos Back In'" in: Sian Lazar (ed), Where are the Unions? Workers and Social Movements in Latin America, the Middle East and Europe. London: Zed Press, pp. 251-66.

R.Hyman and R. Gumbrell-McCormick on the implications of Brexit for British and European labour

Richard Hyman, Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick (2017) What about the workers? The implications of Brexit for British and European labour, Competition&Change, First Published March 27, 2017.