Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Jeff Hermanson (2022) Mexican Labor (NLF)

Hermanson, Jeffery. 2022. “Mexican Labor’s New Deal and the Promise of North American Worker Solidarity.New Labor Forum, first published December 29.  https://doi.org/10.1177/10957960221144973

Author Biography

Jeffery Hermanson has been a union organizer and officer since 1977, working with the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (later UNITE!), United Brotherhood of Carpenters, Writers Guild of America, West, and the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center. He is president of the International Union Educational League, a non-profit organization that supports unions in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.

Verena Schmidt, Edward Webster, Siviwe Mhlana and Kally Forrest (2023) ILO

Schmidt, Verena, Edward Webster, Siviwe Mhlana and Kally Forrest. 2023. “Negotiations by Workers in the Informal Economy.” ILO Working Paper 86.

This paper provides empirical evidence from Africa, Asia and the Americas on negotiations and collective bargaining by workers in the informal economy.

Kim Scipes (Jan 2023)

Scipes, Kim. 2023. “A Response to Jeff Schuhrke’s ‘From Solidarity to Shock Therapy: The AFL-CIO and the Fall of Soviet Communism,’” with Schuhrke’s response. LAWCHA Newsletter [The Labor and Working-Class History Association], January 4. 


Scipes, Kim. 2023. “Review: Learning from an Older Generation of Troublemakers”: Troublemaker: Saying No to Power by Frank Emspak (2022)Labor Notes, January 5.


Scipes, Kim. 2023. “Climate Change is Real—and It is Now.” Northwest Indiana Times, January 8 (B-1 and B 7).