The latest issue of the Global Labour Journal, Vol.3/1 is out now. It is a special issue dedicated to labour relations in India.
For a message by Robert O'Brien on behalf of the editors, click
Dear colleagues,
This e-mail is meant to update you on recent developments with the Global Labour Journal. We have just begun our third year of publication with a special issue on labour standards in India. We think you will find it interesting. Please check out the content at: (or search Global Labour Journal)
The journal is doing well and is now firmly established as a leading publication. There are a number of things that you could do to help us continue to provide a thriving intellectual, stimulating and high profile venue for labour publications.
1) We are building a data base of referees. Please take a moment to e-mail our managing editor (Kara Vincent) and provide her with your contact details and a list of areas / topics that you would be comfortable refereeing.
2) Add a link to the journal website in your e-mail signature. People receiving your e-mails may be curious and follow the link to the journal. The link is:
3) If you are on Facebook you can ‘like’ the journal. This will inform your contacts about the journal’s presence. The Facebook page is:
4) If you are a twitter fan you can follow us at: @GlobalLabour
5) Use journal articles in your teaching. They are free and open access for your students.
6) Cite journal articles in your own publications to increase the number of times they turn up in citation indexes.
7) Submit an article for publication. The journal should be a primary publication venue for RC-44 members. If you do not have an article at the moment consider submitting material for the book reviews or global issues sections.
Finally, you may be interested to know that some government funding councils, such as SSHRC in Canada are increasingly demanding that work produced as a result of their grant support be available in open access format. Global Labour Journal is ahead of the game and RC-44 members now have an excellent high quality publication venue for their research. We look forward to your continuing support an hope you enjoy the journal
Robert O’Brien on behalf of the editors, Global Labour Journal