The list of articles in the issue:
— “Theoretical Reflection on the Emergence of Global Labor Solidarity” by Kim Scipes.
— “South-South Labor Internationalism: SIGTUR and the Challenge to the Status Quo” by Bruno Dobrusin.
— “International
Solidarity or Renewed Trade Union Imperialism? The AFL-CIO and Garment
Workers in Bangladesh” by Zia Rahman and Tom Langford.
— “Stitching
Together: How Workers Are Hemming Down Transnational Capital in the
Hyper-Global Apparel Industry” by Ashok Kumar and Jack Mahoney.
— “Workers
Confront Apartheid: Comparing Canadian Labor Solidarity Campaigns
against South African and Israeli Apartheid” by Katherine Nastovski.
— “How
‘Partnership’ Weakens Solidarity: Colombian GM Workers and the Limits
of UAW Internationalism” by Kevin Young and Diana C. Sierra Becerra.
— “Working for Global Justice in the New Labor Movement” by Michael Zweig.
— “A Review of American Labor’s Global Labor Ambassadors: The International History of the AFL-CIO during the Cold War, edited by Robert Anthony Waters and Geert van Goethem” by Kim Scipes.