Sunday, 19 October 2014

Richard Hyman, Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick and Magdalena Bernaciak on European trade union crisis and renewal!

Bernaciak, Magdalena, Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, Richard (2014) European trade unionism: from crisis to renewal?ETUI Report 133.
The new report by the ETUI researcher Magda Bernaciak, Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick (University of London) and Richard Hyman (London School of Economics) looks at how the diversity of European ‘trade unionisms’ leads to a diversity of challenges. It outlines several imaginative initiatives and innovations undertaken by trade unions in recent years, especially in terms of membership organising, mergers and organisational restructuring, collective bargaining, social partnership and cross-border cooperation.
A must-read for anyone interested in European unionism and labour movements more broadly!