Mrozowicki, Adam (2015) Socjologia pracy w Polsce – perspektywy odbudowy subdyscypliny (Sociology of work in Poland: the perspectives for the subdiscipline's renewal) , Humanizacja pracy 1(279): 13-29.
Abstract (English): The article presents selected developments in the sociology of work in Poland. It explores its institutionalisation in the 60. and 70. and its erosion after 1989. It is argued that the deinstitutionalisation of the sociology of work is connected with the political changes in the academic sociology after the end of state socialism, as well as with the changes in the very nature of the employment, among others the tendency of its precarisation. The potential of reconstruction and developement of the subdiscipline is also discussed. The latter is connected with generational change, international cooperation, new funding sources and the fields of academic interests and social activism of the sociologists of work.