Martin Upchurch,Richard Croucher, Hanna Danilovich, Claudio Morrison (eds.). 2015. The Transformation of Work and Industrial Relations in the post-Soviet Bloc: 25 years on from 1989, Work, Employment and Society, e-specials.
From the introduction by editors: "Work, Employment and Society (WES) has carried nearly 30 articles covering postcommunist work and workplaces since 1989, enabling new insights into the processes, problems and outcomes of transformation (...) In selecting our articles we seek to present the full range of approaches within the overall rubric of transformation analysis. In doing so, we progress from case study analysis of the workplace, sector or individual state to broader and more reflective overviews.". The selection also includes the articles by the RC 44 members, among others Richard Hyman and Adam Mrozowicki.