Tuesday, 3 April 2018

A commentary on the paper about the East-West divide in the ETUC by A. Mrozowicki and J. Czarzasty

Mrozowicki, A., Czarzasty, J. (2018) "Is a new paradigm needed? A commentary on the analysis by Sławomir Adamczyk", European Journal of Industrial Relations, published online before print on 2 March 2018, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959680118760631

Abstract: In this commentary, we support the core thesis of Sławomir Adamczyk that there exist ‘two trade union worlds’ within the European Trade Union Confederation, but our emphasis is somewhat different. The East–West divide can be explained both in terms of structural differences and of contrasting expectations about the role of European integration, rooted in the diverse histories and experiences of national affiliates. In the context of recurring particularistic logics which privilege national or regional interests over transnational labour solidarity, the need to create a new paradigm of trade union cooperation based on the recognition, articulation and, if possible, reconciliation of diverse workers’ interests can be legitimately seen as a major challenge to European trade union institutions.