Rhomberg, Chris. 2020. “The Struggle for a New Labor Regime: The U.S.” Tempo Social (Sao Paolo, Brazil) 32(1): 99-118.
Tempo Social
Print version ISSN 0103-2070On-line version ISSN 1809-4554
Tempo soc. vol.32 no.1 São Paulo Jan./Apr. 2020 Epub May 11, 2020
The struggle for a new labor regime: The US
A luta por um novo regime de trabalho: o caso norte-americano
*Fordham University, Bronx, NY, Estados Unidos.
This essay examines the American labor movement since the 2008 economic crisis. I begin with a brief review of the structural, institutional, and organizational conditions for labor before the crisis, including changes in employment and the labor force, the conflict between New Deal and anti-union labor regimes, and the emergence of new repertoires in the labor movement. These form the context for the financial crash, and the failure of policy to challenge corporate power. I then discuss the conservative political offensive against unions and movement initiatives at state and local levels. The conflicts have intensified under the Trump administration, with a resurgence of strike activity and the polarization of institutions governing labor and civic life.
Key words: USA; Unions; Great recession; Strikes