Monday, 8 December 2014

Marcel Paret's article on legality and exploitation

Paret, Marcel. 2014. "Legality and exploitation: Immigration enforcement and the US migrant labor system", Latino Studies (2014) 12, 503–526. doi:10.1057/lst.2014.53,

Sunday, 7 December 2014

The new article on trade union organizing in Eastern Europe by Adam Mrozowicki

Mrozowicki, Adam (2014) "Varieties of trade union organizing in Central and Eastern Europe: A comparison of the retail and automotive sectors", European Journal of Industrial Relations 20(4) 297–315.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Andreas Bieler et al. on Rosa Luxemburg's The Accumulation of Capital

Bieler, Andreas, Sümercan Bozkurt, Max Crook, Peter Cruttenden, Ertan Erol, Adam David Morton, Cemal Burak Tansel and Elif Uzgören (2014) ‘The Enduring Relevance of Rosa Luxemburg’s The Accumulation of Capital’, Journal of International Relations and Development, available as advance online publication.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Monday, 31 March 2014

Free Trade and Transnational Labour!

Bieler, Andreas, Bruno Ciccaglione, John Hilary and Ingemar Lindberg (2014) Special Issue on Free Trade and Transnational Labour’, Globalizations, Vol.11/1. 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Transnational struggle for workers' rights!

Gajewska, Katarzyna (2014) 'Transnational struggle for workers’ rights and missing domestic links: the case of Japanese activists’ involvement in the Toyota Philippines dispute', Global Labour Journal, Vol.5/1: 68-85. [download]

Analysing Union Power against GATS!

McGuire, Donna (2014) 'Analysing Union Power, Opportunity and Strategic Capability: Global and Local Union Struggles Against the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)', Global Labour Journal, Vol.5/1: 45-67. [download]

The Green Economy!

Cock, Jacklyn (2014) 'The "Green Economy": A Just and Sustainable Development Path or a "Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing"?', Global Labour Journal, Vol.5/1: 23-44. [download]

Temporary Agency Worker Organizing!

Choudry, Aziz and Mostafa Henaway (2014) 'Temporary Agency Worker Organizing in an Era of Contingent Employment', Global Labour Journal, Vol.5/1: 1-22. [download]

Friday, 24 January 2014

Global framework agreements in a union-hostile environment!

Fichter, Michael and Dimitris Stevis (2013) 'Global framework agreements in a union-hostile environment : the case of the USA', Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; available at

[For an executive summaray, see]

Monday, 20 January 2014

Global Capitalism and the Transnational State!

Bieler, Andreas and Adam David Morton (2013/14) ‘The Will-O’-The-Wisp of the Transnational State’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No.72: 23-51. [download]