Saturday, 21 November 2015

Bradon Ellem on Mining and Neo-liberalism

Brandon Ellem. 2015, "Resource Peripheries and Neo-Liberalism: The Pilbara and the Remaking of Industrial Relations in Australia", Australian Geographer, 46 (3), pp. 323-37, doi: 10.1080/00049182.2015.1048587.

Bradon Ellem on the Geography of Automation

Brandon Ellem. 2015. "Geographies of the Labour Process: Automation and the Spatiality of Mining", Work, Employment and Society, published online 18 September 2015: doi: 10.1177/0950017015604108.

Bradon Ellem on Reconsidering the History of Anti-Unionism in Mining

Brandon Ellem. 2015, "Robe River Revisited: Geohistory and Industrial Relations", Labour History, 109, pp. 111-30.

Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden on China's Student Labor Regime

Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai, Mark Selden. 2015. "Interns or Workers? China’s Student Labor Regime", The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 36, No. 1, September 7, 2015, pp. 69-98.

Marcel Paret on Immigration Enforcement and the US Migrant Labor System

Marcel Paret. 2014. “Legality and Exploitation: Immigration Enforcement and the US Migrant Labor System.” Latino Studies 12(4): 503-526.

Marcel Paret on Violence and Democracy in South Africa's Community Protests

Marcel Paret. 2015. “Violence and Democracy in South Africa's Community Protests.” Review of African Political Economy 42(143): 107-123.

Marcel Paret on Precarious Labor Politics in the US and South Africa

Marcel Paret. 2015. “Precarious Labor Politics: Unions and the Struggles of the Insecure Working Class in the United States and South Africa.” Critical Sociology 41(4-5): 757-784.

Marcel Paret on Labor and Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Marcel Paret. 2015. “Labor and Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa” in New South African Review 5: Beyond Marikana, edited by Gilbert M. Khadiagala, Prishani Naidoo, Devan Pillay, Roger Southall. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.

Marcel Paret on Apartheid Policing and the US Migrant Labor System

Marcel Paret. 2015. “Apartheid Policing: Examining the US Migrant Labor System Through a SouthAfrican Lens.Citizenship Studies. 19(3-4):317-334.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Sunday, 3 May 2015

A.Mrozowicki on the renewal of the sociology of work in Poland

Mrozowicki, Adam (2015) Socjologia pracy w Polsce – perspektywy odbudowy subdyscypliny (Sociology of work in Poland: the perspectives for the subdiscipline's renewal) , Humanizacja pracy 1(279): 13-29.

Ch.Tilly and M.Kennedy on a new direction for worker protections in the U.S. workplaces

Ch.Tilly, M. Kennedy. 2014. Latin America’s “Third Left” Meets the U.S. Workplace: A Promising Direction for Worker Protection?, University of California Irvine Law Review, 539.

Ch.Tilly, la Garza,J.L.Gayosso and H.Sarmiento on self-organised informal workers

Chris Tilly, Enrique de la Garza, José Luis Gayosso, Hugo Sarmiento. 2014. Los trabajadores que se organizan en la plaza: Contra-movimiento de una fuente inesperada. Economía Crítica 18, Fall.

Ch.Tilly and D. Denham on formal and informal work in Mexico

Chris Tilly, Diana Denham. 2015. Converging divergences in formal and informal work: Longitudinal evidence from Mexico, Global Labour Journal 6(1).

Friday, 16 January 2015

Apple’s iPad City: the book chapter by J. Chan, P.Ngai and M.Selden

Chan, Jenny, Ngai, Pun and Selden, Mark. 2015. Apple’s iPad City: Subcontracting Exploitation to China. in Handbook of the International Political Economy of Production, edited by Kees Van Der Pijl. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Pp. 76-97.